A year ago, David was diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). It’s a developmental disorder he was born with because of the birth mom’s drug and alcohol usage during the pregnancy. If he had been diagnosed before age 3, he would have DD services. Right now, because he didn’t have that diagnosis, he doesn’t…
Category: Reactive Attachment Disorder
Articles relating to Reactive Attachment Disorder can be found here.
Don’t give up on me.
With those few words, “Don’t give up on me.” David ended our phone call tonight. I assure him each time that I won’t. He is our son and will always be our son. See today he admitted to assaulting his mom. If he had been adult, he would have been guilty of a felony. As…
He is not a yo-yo
He is not a yo-yo. You know that right? Yesterday he was granted an extension on his stay in the facility. This was done so that we could apply for therapeutic foster care. Today, I guess that we were denied, though I am not entirely sure. What I do know is that I was told…