Some thoughts on becoming Dad to my Dad. On him beginning to cede control of his life to me. Of having to “take” over when he is desperately trying to hold on. Mostly, just some thoughts about our time together as he gets closer to the end of his life.
Author: David's Father
Transforming Parenthood
Transform Parenting Styles – Measures taken to embrace new ideas It’s been forever since we posted about David, and this is a result of our decision to transform how we saw parenthood. Specifically parent hood of David. The decision to transform was easy, actually beginning to transform our parenting styles was much more difficult. This…
Reblog – Pledged our Love
What I’d whisper to our younger selves: “You can’t fix what can’t be fixed but your love, this love, is the foundation on which futures depend. You can do it.” #FASD #Hope via Our Nine Million Moments of Marriage — FASD: Learning with Hope