Less than 24 hours and a wake up from now, barring some intervention, David will be home. He will come home from a supported environment where he has constant supervision, consistent support, and success in school, to home. Home where we can’t recreate the level of support he has now. Where we will live on…
Category: Health
Articles related to health are in this category. Articles may not be authored by a staff member of whynotfathers.com. Credit will be given where credit is due. If you see an article, that isn’t properly referenced, please send our admin an email with a link to the article, and the name of the original author.
SMI and the Tragedy of Adulthood
SMI – Serious Mental Illness The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), which defines SMI (Serious Mental Illness) as: A mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder (excluding developmental and substance use disorders); Diagnosable currently or within the past year; Of sufficient duration to meet diagnostic criteria specified within the 4th edition of the Diagnostic…
Safety, a blanket I want to wrap around my family.
Safety. the website dictionary.com defines safety as: noun, plural safeties. 1. the state of being safe; freedom from the occurrence or risk of injury, danger, or loss. 2. the quality of averting or not causing injury, danger, or loss. 3. a contrivance or device to prevent injury or avert danger. This weekend we are bringing…