the website defines safety as:
noun, plural safeties. 1. the state of being safe; freedom from the occurrence or risk of injury, danger, or loss.2. the quality of averting or not causing injury, danger, or loss.3. a contrivance or device to prevent injury or avert danger.
This weekend we are bringing David home on an overnight pass. This goes against every fiber of my being. It’s not that he doesn’t deserve the pass. It’s safety. Safety for all involved.
The facility has told us that if we don’t do overnight passes, they will just discharge him. I literally can’t risk that happening. So we are going to do an overnight pass.
Only thing is, we will hire someone to be at our home taking care of our dogs while we take the rest of the family to a hotel in the city near where the facility David is in is located. Then we will stay the night in a hotel.
It’s an overnight pass. We live in a small town, and I can’t take the chance that law enforcement will be on the other side of the county when we need them. I know, there is a chance we won’t need them, but I can’t risk it.
I can’t afford this weekend to happen, we need to replace our furnace. Yet, I can’t afford for it not to happen either because of safety.
In the end, it is about management of risk.
I am stuck with one question.
“How does this help?”
I wish that safety was a giant quilt I could use to protect everyone.
We will be less than 10 miles from the facility, versus the 60 miles to our home.