David turned thirteen years old last Tuesday. On July 28th, will be 11 years since his adoption was finalized. How quickly the time goes. For David’s birthday, we went out to the facility he lives in to visit him. Most of the family went. We arrived late Monday, spent Tuesday, Wednesday and part of Thursday…
Category: Mental Health – Child
Mental health articles relating to a condition your child might have can be found here.
a coming birthday
So David has a birthday coming up. he will be a teen. In my quest to get Medicaid reinstated, he was given something called a recipient liability. He has a recipient liability because he has an income. (SSI and an adoption subsidy). it isn’t more than 900 a month, and the subsidy isn’t his. anyway. …
finding your true path
i am adopted, and had a number of step dads while I was a kid. Looking back I can see the hallmark indicators of reactive attachment disorder (RAD) in myself. Not as bad as our David, but still there. I am the way I am today because of two reasons. A probation officer gave me…