We have been mostly quiet here at Why Not Fathers. Rest assured things have been busy. Currently we are working on incorporating Why Not Fathers as a non-profit. We are hoping that this will open up opportunities for speaking and further engagement. Potential speaking engagements include the following topics: fatherhood adoption – both as a…
Category: Mental Health – Child
Mental health articles relating to a condition your child might have can be found here.
Lost and Tired – Confessions: I feel like everything is falling apart around me
A post from a fellow parent about their struggles with RAD. This link will take you to a new page. Lost and Tired – Confessions: I feel like everything is falling apart around me.
The Elusive, Manipulative Adopted Child – Tina Traster – The Atlantic
I link to this article because I think that it is worth reading. It might help my readers understand that we aren’t alone in dealing with the behaviors brought on by Reactive Attachment Disorder. We need to start a conversation on a National, and International level about this. In my opinion, there will be more…