Hard to believe it has been six years since I wrote the Houdini/Ronald McDonald posts. You can find the first in the series here. By and large I have been living life. In fact, most of the last six years are documented within the pages of this site. There has been a lot of advocacy…
Tag: adoption
The unfinished quilt top: unraveling threads
Unfinished quilt tops. Loose fabric, pieced together. seams resewn to strengthen the final product. adjustments, another persons eye to style and color. A work in progress. I strive to save the lovingly hand stitched aspect of the quilt top while ensuring it won’t fall apart upon the first washing.Life lessons. Spools of thread. Simple things…
A sad reality – restraint of a mentally ill child
It’s a sad reality. Our son David is mentally ill. I know it’s been a while since I last posted. So much has happened. On Feb 3, as I was driving into the city for a medical appointment, I received a call from the facility where David was. “If you don’t come and get him…