David is his own worst enemy. With the increase in behaviors, our psych team has discussed changing one of his medicines. We aren’t doing a wholesale med wash like we used to do. Rather we are increasing one of the stabilizers. Hopefully we will see a change. When we met with the psych team, I…
Category: Mental Health – Child
Mental health articles relating to a condition your child might have can be found here.
the degradation of a boy’s mental health
I post frequently about the things that David does, and the things that we deal with. You really need to know, I don’t post everything. It is sad to watch the gradual decline of a person’s mental health. His mental stability. For so long, everything was fairly smooth. It’s just in the last couple of…
I am confused…
Today, David and I had been having a great day. Laughing. The phone rang, since I had my hands in dishwater I asked him to answer it. He put it on speakerphone. I asked him to hold it close, instead he accused me of not wanting him around. How does, hold the phone equal “you…