Thinking back to the past couple of months with our son, there have been significant times when I have felt like a failure as a father. You know what? That is okay. Here is why. This, let’s call him our invention, is a human being. A thinking, walking, talking embodiment of all that is wrong…
Tag: fatherhood
Section 1 – About a father
Thinking of my family at this late hour. It is 1am here. 2am back home. I am on vacation and can’t sleep. All but one family member is at home in Casa de Familia. I was working a night job delivering newspapers. One night I happened to deliver to a business that had an old…
Topical Call – Family Voices of North Dakota
I am nervous. I was asked to lead a topical call on fatherhood for Family Voices of North Dakota. Why am I nervous? I am a teacher. I have been a dad for 18 years, in most careers that would make me an expert. When we are done, I will post a link to the…