We saw David today. The plan was a two hour visit. We were there 20 minutes. The argument started because David decided that he wanted to be obstinate. I was getting the situation defused when David decided that he was done with the visit and took off down the hallway. I had to go after…
Category: adhd
A nice relaxed visit with David
Mom and I visited David today. Took him off campus for ice cream at the DQ. Drove through a park on the way back to the facility. Then we watched David play basketball with the staff. It is interesting to note that the staff was consistent in their praise about how well David is doing. …
treatment sabotage???
David has a number of diagnoses. As I have discussed here before. One of them is bipolar disorder. It seems that when David went to the second facility in July for his med wash, no one thought to put him back on a med to help with the bipolar disorder. No wonder my son is…