David has a number of diagnoses. As I have discussed here before. One of them is bipolar disorder. It seems that when David went to the second facility in July for his med wash, no one thought to put him back on a med to help with the bipolar disorder.
No wonder my son is manic. And these people are professionals?
I don’t proclaim to be a medical person. I only know what I know about these disorders after years of having to deal with medical professionals on David’s behalf.
To me, it is a huge disservice to determine that the facility can’t adequately care for our son, especially when they aren’t adequately treating his mental illnesses.
Meds aren’t a cure. They are meant to augment the other treatment options and methods that are in use.
Related articles
- Do You Understand the Bipolar Spectrum? (psychcentral.com)
- Being Diagnosed with Bipolar (livingwithbipolarblog.wordpress.com)
- Bipolar Disorder/Manic Depression Symptoms in an Acronym (theinnerlimits.wordpress.com)
- The Spiritual Life and Bipolar Disorder (thereseborchardblog.com)
- Swedish Study Suggests Bipolar Disorder Associated With Premature Mortality (medicalnewstoday.com)
So is it possible that, when Marc gets meds for his bipolar disorder, he will improve enough to stay in the RTC where he’s at?
While a part of me wants to believe that it would change their mind, I highly doubt that it would. They began hinting that they might not be able to keep before he went for the med wash in July.