Complete lack of communication – Medication Issue How hard is it? David has six prescriptions. Two medications are available over the counter – the others aren’t. Since the staff at the juvenile detention center where David is currently being housed had an issue with his originally supplied medication, we supplied them with all new prescriptions…
Category: communication
Communication – yes, it is important.
I make no secret. I love to communicate with people. When it comes to David, I like to receive as much as I can via email, as it lets me have a documented record of what facilities and I see to each other. However. If my son has done something that necessitates intervention by the…
all the lies
According to David, every one is lying. The nurse staff who documented everything that came out of his mouth to the hospital social worker who made the complaint to CPS to the CPS worker who “asked if I wanted to live with an aunt.” David claims that he never told them anything about me restraining…