Now is the time for a National Conversation regarding mental health. With our congressional leaders in Washington, D.C., we may have difficulty getting on the dais. Why? Because an individual presenting testimony to any committee regarding Mental Health, may not always speak to the same platform as varying members of Congress. What does that mean?…
Author: David's Father
Rights, Liberties and Responsibility for Justice
As of this date, there exists in the media a video, in fact a dash cam video showing the death of a young man at the hands of a police officer. In part, because of this video, the police officer was charged with murder. I choose not to link to that video. It is bad…
my Kingdom for…
David has been in placement at the psychiatric residential treatment facility (PRTF) for 6 weeks. I still find myself keeping odd hours like I am keeping track of what he is doing in the middle of the night. In the evening I doze a bit, and then am up half the night as per the…