do you blog? Are you a special needs parent? If so, do you live in South Jersey? If so, let me know… 🙂 post a comment and I will get back to you. Heck, if you blog about special needs post a comment, but please specify if you are from South Jersey. Thanks Carl
Category: Uncategorized
Full-time Employment and Fatherhood
Full-time employment is being a dad! Job #1 As a social worker (now stay-at-home dad), I have learned that I do not have the power to change other people’s belief system. I can talk to people about the benefits of fatherhood, reasons to put family first or parenting styles but I can’t…
stealing from school
Just got a phone call from the school that David goes to. Evidently he got caught stealing an electronic dictionary from the school. They are going to give him consequences. Um yeah. Consequences. These are the ones that don’t work… apologize. time out. write down what you did and why. no more access to the…