Stopped at the psych unit to see David tonight. He was being so good that I didn’t stay long. He and some of the other patients were playing games. It is rare when David sits still long enough to do anything, so I stayed long enough to give him a hug and let him know…
Category: Reactive Attachment Disorder
Articles relating to Reactive Attachment Disorder can be found here.
i wonder how long
With David’s placement now occurring as early as Monday afternoon, I find myself pondering how long. How long will we find his hiding places in our home? Places where he has hidden things that he has taken from others. How long will we wonder at some item that we have found and who it belongs…
David isn’t going to placement today
Finally, got a call back from one of the intake people at the residential facility today. It appears that they are waiting on some additional paperwork from his last residential care facility. As a result, they aren’t able to admit him yet. Maybe on Monday. Words can not describe how I feel right now. Related…