Attention grabber isn’t it? As a stay at home dad of five kids, or which three have a special need of some kind, I am at the forefront of all activities in our home. As it should be. With our youngest son David and his increasing need for near constant attention, the pace is increasing. …
Category: adhd
psych team visit today
We met with David’s psych team today. We are doing everything right. They are surprised that it has taken us this long to seek placement for him. We talked at length about the issue with David spitting up his meds, and were told that it is all about David wanting control. Has nothing to do…
forty hours and it’s affect on my health
Well, being awake for 40 of the last 48 hours is taking a definite toll on my body. See, I have systemic lupus, fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism and they are testing to rule out MS and Parkinson’s Disease. Because David has taken it upon himself to throw up his meds more, everyday since Friday afternoon actually, it…