I went to see my son tonight. He wants to know when he can come home from the hospital. Nothing about the other night. When I asked him why he wants to come home, it was all about missing the trip to Bismarck with his mentor that he does once a week. Nothing about the…
Category: behaivor issues
I’ll beat you with this shovel
Heck of a title for this post. Last evening, my son stormed out of the house in anger. I waited about 20 minutes before going after him. I thought it would give him time to cool down. Not to be. He started throwing things out of the cars, so I worked my way through them…
therapist left, guess I can abuse my family again
Every Tuesday is family therapy day in our home. One of the things that we are being taught to do is ignore him and his behavior. As soon as the therapist left today, he started abusing mom verbally. I was at the grocery store when this happened. Evidently because we are instructed to ignore as…