I don’t know how it is in most families, I just know in mine, this is our fear. That David will stop responding to his meds, and then be seen as a threat by law enforcement. Once he turns 18, we will have little ability to ensure that he takes his medications, unless we get…
Category: behaivor issues
nights like this
I have to wonder… “Is this behavior that of a 13 year old boy, or his mental health?” See our other two boys didn’t give us all the sass, back talk, attitude and behaviors. Or maybe I just don’t remember the behaviors because we were so busy dealing with David’s issues. Not sure if that…
What is it like to live in fear? Having never lived in a war zone, or been active in a war zone, I can’t say that our experience compares to that. What I can say is this. Living day to day on edge constantly because you don’t know from one minute to the next what…