>So, I rarely post about my other kids, because there is rarely anything to say. Last night K had a basketball game. She plays on JV. Now I was there for the whole game. There was a lot of passing, including a number of times when the girls passed the ball to the phantom player…
Author: carl
>Food FIght
>So M had a rough day at school today. Got through the morning alright. At lunch he started throwing his food around because he wanted somebodies attention. When the teacher called him on it, he slammed his tray down and threw the rest of his food all over the area where he was sitting. The…
>M and the walk
>So M was in fine form today. I have to try to keep my heart rate down, and he has to push as many buttons as he can to get his daily dose of scolding and punishment. He got the other kids so upset, and stated that he didn’t want to live here anymore. Not…