>Received the PWN for M’s Manifestation Determination. The PWN was taped to a classroom door. What happened to confidentiality? They scheduled the meeting for a time when I specifically told them I could not be there. The PWN also states that they want to discuss placement. How do they jump from suspension to manifestation determination…
Author: carl
>Going public again.
>I took down public access to my blog in the hopes that the district would do their jobs. Initially they did everything we asked of them. They have stopped doing their jobs in reference to M, so I am making the blog publicly accessible again. They say my blog intimidates them and that they feel…
>M has been suspended from school again for assault. This will put him at 10 days suspension and force the manifestation determination. Manifestation Determination is the schools responsibility to determine if M’s behavior is a result of his diagnosis. Our psychiatrist recommends that we get an attorney as the school is discriminating against M. We…