I went to the pharmacy to pick up his medication and what do I find?
So I said, “he is on an auto-fill plan how can this be?”
It’s not logical
The tech calls the pharmacist who explains it to me.
“We call the doctor two weeks before the refill is due.
We call the doctor…
“We call the doctor one week before the refill is due.”
“We call the doctor three days before the refill is due.”
“We call the doctor daily until the refill order arrives.”
Now, normally, the pharmacist says, “we call once and it’s filled. We have been doing this with your son’s medications since March. This month we have received no response.”
Moving out of state provided care
I had already scheduled an appointment with his primary to get a psychological evaluation referral. So I asked her, can you refer us to a psychiatrist for medication management because the one we have now thru the state of North Dakota isn’t up to the job.
She puts in the referral.
10 days from now we meet with the intake specialist at the behavioral health clinic. Sometime next month we get in to see the new psychiatrist.
The future
What do we do until then?
He has run out of his mood stabilizer, and already we can see a shift in his affect.
So Monday I’ll be on the phone with his primary begging for a script for the meds to get us thru. I didn’t think to ask last week when I was there.
If I am at fault because of something I missed, I’ll take responsibility for it. That’s not a reason for him to be denied his medications.
Of course, we can put him in the psych unit at the hospital and all of this will be resolved immediately, but it’s not his fault, so why should he be punished for it?