I need to apologize to some people. I had a moment of weakness last night in which I actually gave up fighting for David.
I apologize to David for doing so. He deserves a lot of things, but he doesn’t deserve me giving up on him.
I apologize to myself. For so long, I have been in a passionate robot like state trying to survive this life with him, and I have been doing myself a disservice in that regard. Last night something in me just let go, and I guess every once in a while that needs to happen. It helps remind me that I am not the robot dad. There is a part of me that forgot what I was fighting for.
So the struggle will continue. Why? Because every child deserves to be loved and to have someone fight for them.
I have an electroencephalogram this afternoon. I won’t get the results until next week. Kind of nervous about it. But, Lord willing, everything will be okay.
Most of all, I apologize to my family. Each of them deserves every ounce of fight that I can give them. They are all worth it.