Happy Birthday David!
Since the birthday dinner, we have had four hours of behaviors. I don’t want these presents.
I don’t want to clean out the van.
I don’t want to go in the house.
I want to go to the hospital, I feel depressed because you asked me to clean out the van.
I offered to take him to safe bed. (a 48 hour facility that allows for behaviors de-escalation)
He calmed a bit, because his Care Coordinator/Case Manager is in the city where the safe bed is located and she is a task master, or at least he thinks so. So, he decided that wasn’t a good idea.
Then just as I was going to get on a conference call for a board I am on, the behaviors started again.
See for David, all attention has to be on him at all times. it isn’t enough that we had a birthday dinner for him that he refused to eat, we were doing yard work today, plus getting ready to go to the city for a couple of days. Since the focus wasn’t on him, he had to make it be on him. Even the dogs won’t have anything to do with him when he is like this.
So now, we are trying to get ready, trying to deal with him, and wondering if we are going to have damage from a summer storm.
On the positive side, David spent a chunk of the day with his mentor, and no issues were reported. That is always a good thing.
He had the opportunity to speak with his former foster mom, and that is a good thing.
Please grant us strength to continue to recognize the good in him, that we also recognize that tomorrow is a brand new day. Filled with opportunity for good things.
In two weeks, we celebrate the day of his adoption. His forever in our family day. I wish that it meant as much to him as it does to us.
Mom is doing fairly well after having double knee replacement surgery 3 weeks ago. Continued blessings for all.