David, for the most part, has a fantastic team working for the best care we can get him.
Are there bumps in the road ahead? Yes. Have we surmounted mountains that first looked like bumps in the road before? Yes.
At the head of our team we have someone called a Care Coordinator. This person, takes my calls whenever I call, including after hours, on weekends and when they are out of the office.
Do we have some team members who aren’t worth their salt? Sadly, yes, in the past we have had those team members as well.
What makes the care that we do get for David work successfully, or at least as successfully as we can get it to work, is that we work together to achieve the best care available out of the myriad of disjointed services that we have available to us.
It has been a week since the denials came through, I haven’t posted a lot. Just because I haven’t posted doesn’t mean that things have been rosy, or that we have been resting on our laurels.
Sometimes life gets busy. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the day to day activities of our life with David, that nothing else gets accomplished. And you know what?
That’s okay.
I don’t have enough time in my day to post every thing that happens in our lives with David. And truthfully, this blog isn’t meant to be that deep. It is a snapshot or highlight of our life.
As we move forward to get David care, and truly it isn’t just David getting care, rather it is the whole family, we are adding a psychologist to the mix. We are also going to be starting intensive in home therapy. Will these things work?
I don’t know. I do know that in the past we have been told that David won’t benefit from individual therapy.
But this isn’t just about David, this is about the whole family unit. The core of the team that lives with David day to day.
It would be disingenuous of me to state that our family will benefit from these things. We have to try. It sure can’t hurt at this point, and honestly if it gives more people an insight into the mentally ill, then it won’t be all bad.
In a small way, each of you that reads this is a piece of the team. By commenting, emailing me, or chatting with me on social media, you are offering your insight and wisdom of experience. At the top of the list of people outside of paid staff and family are friends; Eric, Heather and Kelli. Your input and advice is invaluable. Others that help by offering laughter, sage advice and a sense of indomitable spirit include John (who sends me pictures like the above) and Deborah who helps me think outside the box. Thank you for your friendship. There are many others who I can’t name because it would be more obvious who they are. Please know that we, including David, appreciate your impact on our lives.
As we move forward, I don’t know what the future will bring. All I can say is that we will try. We are trying. Above all, remember one thing, there is always hope.