David is being really good today. Following me like my shadow. I appreciate that he is trying. As I survey my garage, I am discovering just what all has been lost because of David’s actions. Weedeater. Networking tools for installing data networks. Gasoline Screws by the box. It isn’t much, and I am sure that…
Month: June 2015
Revised Letter to the Editor
the previous letter was deemed to lengthy. Here is a revised edition. -=================== The Schulte Report begins with the sentence “The North Dakota mental health and substance abuse system is in crisis. “ Our son has mental illness. Now, we are being told that it is common practice for parents to give up custody to…
Letter to the Editor
UPDATE This letter was deemed too lengthy by the editors so we trimmed it down. You can read the revised letter here. ============================= I submitted the following to the editors of North Dakota’s four largest newspapers. ============================= Dear Editor The Schulte Report begins with the sentence “The North Dakota mental health and substance abuse system…