These are the steps that we go through to get admission to the mental health unit for David.
- Drive 50 miles one way.
- Present to reception desk staff.
- Present history and current case to intake ER Nurse.
- Wait for 1 – 2 hours.
- Present case to ER nurse.
- Wait for up to an hour.
- Present case to Doctor and intake note taker person.
- Wait for labs
- Wait for him to pee in a cup.
- Explain to lab personnel why they need to use a butterfly needle on my son.
- Wait in ER for consult from on-call psychiatrist.
- If approval for admission is granted we wait for ambulance for transport to the building where the unit is located. If denied we go home.
- Wait some more.
- Follow ambulance to the unit.
- Wait for admission Nurse to bring out additional paperwork.
- Explain case to admission Nurse.
- Write down concerns, thoughts, issues, medications, visitor list, contact info for all visitors, staff and family.
- Authorize any over the counter medications that he may need like tylenol.
- Read through documentation, pamphlet, sign releases as necessary to allow them to communicate with his primary psychiatrist, social workers, care coordinator, and advocate.
- Say good night to David.
I go through this every time, and then they greet him by name. It can take as few as 3 and as many as 6 hours to get through this process.