We applied a few weeks ago to all instate Residential Treatment Centers (Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities – PRTF) RTC’s.
We have received denials from 2 of the 3 in our state.
The first one directs us to search out a facility that treats the Reactive Attachment Disorder that David has. It recommends either a facility in Utah or Colorado.
It also states that David has exhausted all forms of care in the state of North Dakota. (Honesty, from a facility. I like that. No need to sugar coat, you aren’t going to tell me anything that I don’t already know.)
Letter number two on the other hand.
Completely ignores the psychiatric recommendations from the hospital. It states “the committee has denied placement at “PRTF”. It goes on to state – there is no difference in treatment from when David was a resident here previously and recommends that we try in home therapy and wrap around supports from the community and school.
To quote a movie, Back to the Future, “Hello, McFly!”
What in the sam hell do these people think that we have been doing for the last five months? The wrap around supports have been in place for five years and they aren’t working…
We aren’t giving up. One more denial and we can apply for out of state placement.  How sad is it that one more denial is like a prize for us?
I keep saying that I wish that David could be treated successfully at home, however the more he pushes and does things that go against the rules and laws of traditional society, the more I realize that home isn’t the best place for him.
I realize that some of my readers won’t like that last sentence. We aren’t giving up, we are just moving to the next level of care. A level that we have been on before.
Please say a prayer for David, and the rest of the family, that we can continue to provide appropriate care for his mental health.