Today I woke up, with a spring in my step.
I realized something as I left on the trek to get David. I am at peace.
I felt an incredible sense of peace when I realized that. It was inspiring. As I felt this, I was crossing the dam near our home. Headed south west into Montana.
I don’t know how to put it into words. But it was like all of a sudden, the troubles of the past week were lifted from my shoulders.
Does that mean I think everything is going to be golden with David’s return home?
Not on your life. But I also realize that there are some things that are outside of our control. Trying to control David is like trying to figure out how a tornado works.
You have good intentions, but very little chance of success. An early warning system is ever elusive.
I think that I owe this sense of peace to someone else. First of course, I have been doing a lot f praying, and we have had a lot of prayers from many, many, many people. So I thank God. For helping me find peace through Him.
The other thing is this book I had the good fortune to be part of the pre-launch party for. “Get Your Joy Back” by Laurie Wallin. This book has helped me examine many facets of my life as the parent of a special needs child. I fear that I have been remiss however, in not sharing it with my bride. That will change, as I am going to get her a copy all her own.
Because my copy has been highlighted to no end with those portions of the book that struck me as important. I can’t say what my bride will find important in this book, so she gets her own copy.
So thank you everyone, for your thoughts, your guidance, and most of all, your prayers.
P.S. If you click the image above, you can enter a give-away through the 29th of January 2015.