With that kind of title, you are thinking that something is going on with David. Not this time. I have been working on a story. A hypothetical if you wish. I would like your opinion.
Imagine if you will a young adult, who gets upset with a boy or girlfriend over a break up. Now imagine that this upset individual steals the something from their ex, takes it out into a field in the middle of the pre-dawn hours and shoots it full of holes.
Should I as a parent be concerned about having this person in school with my children? They have already shown themselves to be prone to violent irrational behavior.
What do you think?
Carl, first is the person a minor? How did they access the gun?
The fact that they stole something from the ex and then destroyed it is disturbing. When you break up with someone it is natural to want to get rid of the stuff from the relationship… Sometimes burning etc. the fact I would definitely want to know the person was getting anger management help.
If we worried about every action of every student in our schools there would be no schools…we would keep our kids away from everyone. If I were the parent of the ex I’d have concerns. As a parent of a student in the general population I have to hope I have taught my children about the inherent dangers of life and how to deal with it in a positive way.
Given the fact that there is a history of violent irrational behavior, I would pursue This. However, in other situations, one time come apart because of a messy breakup does not a violent person make. I am not against gun, in any way, but if you are work with kids, are a minor, have violent outbursts, anger management issues…. Guns are a no no,
Scary situation. I can’t answer from a parents point of view but if it happened to me I’d be flipping out.