I hate going there. Absolutely do not like it.
Spent about 2 hours with David this evening in Psych. We watched television. We didn’t talk.
If I asked him a question, I got a one syllable response.
He said he is sleeping at night.
I was told that he stole a couple of telephones and a staff persons cell phone.
My thought was, at least he is consistent in showing his behaviors to others. People are less likely to think we are making things up.
The staff there, when I started to talk into the intercom to pass security and get on the floor, said, “oh I recognize you…”
Because I always say “the super secret code is: ”
I don’t sleep very well, and the last couple of days have made things worse with a regular barrage of phone calls about David.
Before I told David I loved him, I told him that tomorrow he has to tell me what he did to get put in the psych unit.
Related articles
- David has entered the psych unit. (whynotfathers.com)
- explain this to me like I am a four year old. (whynotfathers.com)
- Early On, Schizophrenia Marked By Worse Cognitive Problems Than Bipolar (allowinglove.wordpress.com)