I received a call from David’s teacher. evidently he was being offensive and sent to time out. When he didn’t stay, they took him back.
He threw a chair at his teacher or one of the staff, and then headbutted someone. In addition to his threatening to kill them, he also was kicking and hitting.
For those of you who are new to my blog, David is in a residential facility for behaviors like this, as well as stealing.
So because this is the second time this has happened in as many weeks, he has out of school suspension tomorrow, which is what David wants.
A bit later at the end of the day, I received a report from the social worker who staffs David’s cottage.
David had a scratch by his ear and a mark on his ribs. David was asked if what happened and he indicated that the teacher hit him and kicked him. David was then asked if he wanted to press charges against the person.
His response? Yes.
So the cottage social worker contacted the police and a complaint was made.
I made the recommendation that the police needed to be sure to talk to David’s other caseworkers to ensure that they get the full picture of David.
I am not saying that someone didn’t hit or scratch David, but I know my son.
And now that he knows he can press charges against people for things like this, I imagine the police will be regular visitors there.
I am wondering why the school at this facility doesn’t have cameras in the halls. Heck, given the nature of the students who attend, I would push for cameras in the classroom as well.
So David has a five day weekend from school, which I am sure he will love since he doesn’t like school.
The last time that he attacked a teacher, he had in school suspension.