When my bride and I got married, that was a part of our vows. As I am sure it was for most of our readers. It seems to me that when we have children there is an implied vow “in sickness and in health”. I don’t know of any parent who wouldn’t gladly switch places…
Month: October 2012
Attn readers and bloggers
do you blog? Are you a special needs parent? If so, do you live in South Jersey? If so, let me know… 🙂 post a comment and I will get back to you. Heck, if you blog about special needs post a comment, but please specify if you are from South Jersey. Thanks Carl
what is this? an mp3 player?
Received a phone call tonight from the residential facility where David is. Seems he had an mp3 player. The staff was pretty sure that it belonged to the cottage, but David can tell a pretty convincing lie. David evidently told the staff that we had given it to him. Nope! So they called and asked….