Our psychiatrist blames David’s behaviors and meltdowns on boredom.
He gets upset when he gets caught. He throws himself around. yells, pretends to cry.
Yet we keep plodding along. we keep searching him and his things to get back the items that he steals. we search him if we take him shopping with us. If something is missing, he is the first one blamed. Today he tried to go with his mentor and I searched him before he left. found two cell phone cords in his pocket. He knows he isn’t supposed to have them.
Today I had to give his mentor a list of rules. The mentor situation is tenuous at best, and seems to be constantly changing.
Rules for David
No technology. David has a history of stealing technology. Technology includes: DSi, Wii, cell phones, Kindle Fire, iPad, iPhone, iPod, any video game console that has Internet access. netbooks, android tablets, computers, laptops. Basically if he can fit it in his pocket or use it to get on the Internet, he will take it.
David has a history of hacking peoples facebook accounts.
David is not allowed to use computers at the library or the mentor house anymore as a result. David has a very good memory for things he wants to remember, so don’t give him or use any words that may include a password to your email address or facebook account. don’t give him your cell phone number or email address. Don’t tell him what your facebook name is. This is for your protection as much as his.
If you take him to a store, make sure that you pat him down, check his pockets and that kind of thing.
He will steal. Keep close tabs on your cell phone. If you set it down, he will take it. He will attempt to text everyone in your contact list.
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