Several people took issue (some in an unfortunately hostile way) with my post that mentioned research showing that girls with involved biological fathers start puberty later than those with a non-biological father or no father at all. So to satisfy the critics, here are several citations that should satisfy your inner (and not-so-inner) skeptic. Fathers…
Month: March 2012
The bully pulpit
This whole bullying thing is out of control. Every day thousands of kids in the US cut school because they’re afraid of bullies. Tens of thousands more are literally sick over it, with symptoms like stomach problems, anxiety, and depression, just to name a few. And some—you’ve probably read about the cases—have actually committed suicide….
Houdini Part III
Yesterday, I continued my story with an account of my second or third step-dad. I talked about running away when I was 8 years old, and the abuse that occurred. I didn’t go into specifics, rather spoke in generalities. Moving forward in time, I am about 12, and my Uncle needs help on the family…