Last week you may remember that I wrote about our school district being on the news. Here is the original post
Today I received a response from the reporter.
The story was not meant to be offensive to you or your family in anyway. The
incident was only mentioned to let viewers know that bullying is a problem
in the smaller schools of North Dakota. NAME REDACTED explained and the
sheriff did as well that it was just boys rough housing. Therefore, that is
why the story was written the way it was. Several of my staff proofed the
story before it aired. I am sorry if you found if offensive or unfair. In no
way was I trying to favor one side over the other. I am very sorry to hear
what your daughter has undergone.
I am impressed to receive a response to my email. I should clarify my thoughts. I was not offended by the story, I merely wanted to ensure that the story was told to the fullest possible extent. In that regard based on how stories are developed for the news, a lesson I received from a friend there was nothing wrong with the way the story was presented. Well, other than listing my daughter as a junior high student.
It was an accident. The boys in question have apologised. As far as I am concerned that should be the end of the matter. I am planning to ask the district to cover her medical bills, as it occurred while she was at school. But it isn’t the end of the world if they don’t cover it.
I appreciate the response from Miss Gustin. I also volunteered to answer questions regarding Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury or special education in the rural schools. I applaud forthright reporting.