I decided to dosomething a little different this season for my Christmas post. Inactuality, I don’t recall doing anything last year, so let’s call ita new tradition for A Father of Many.
You see, about 2 and ahalf years ago, I had the opportunity to participate in this seminarcalled “Parent Leadership Institute”. This seminar brought 23participants to the small but wonderful town of Edgeley, NorthDakota. The organization is called Family Voices of North Dakota. Inwhat has become an annual event, leaders from across the countrypresent leadership topics and training sessions on a wide variety oftopics. Topics such as giving testimony to leaders and policymakers, sharing your story, learning what you know, and how to findwhat you don’t know, as well as many other topics. The staff fromFamily Voices help mold the next generation of parent leaders throughexample and by showing a selfless sense of service to others. Ifthey aren’t a model, or Servant Leadership, then maybe the modelneeds to be redesigned.
Please join me in saying Thank You to Donene and thestaff at Family Voices of North Dakota. One day, your family mayneed the hope that they can help you find. Sometimes all it takes tomake a difference are comforting voices of friendly people.
On the same hand, if you have achild with Autism or a TBI that has been recently diagnosed, let meknow, I have some experience being a parent of a child with Autismand another child with a TBI. I can offer some advice and guidanceon where to get started on your quest for information.
Remember,your child’s special health care needs don’t have to be just physicalor mental, they can be any combination of the two, or one of the two. All that is required of you is a phone call, and a few minutes ofyour time. Please, take a few minutes and make that call today. They can help you. Even if it is only because someone listened to youand your concerns for your child. Donene and a client did get theopportunity recently to participate in some events at the nationallevel in Washington D.C. You can find more information about thesegentle people on their website. http://www.fvnd.org
Now, I also have a motive to writing this entry. Ourfriends at Swanson Vitamins are giving a thousand dollars to theorganization of my choice if I am lucky enough to win. You can findinformation about this contest on their site. Just click on thebadge.