>Spent the day with M, just him and me in the city. New psychiatrist said we should charge the school for putting their hands on M. According to their statements, they lifted him before he had his episode and attacked the teacher last week. That is a no-no. She felt it was odd that the…
Month: February 2011
>Got a call from SSA regarding M. We applied for SSI on his behalf. They lost the electronic data that we submitted via the electronic form on the socialsecurity.gov website. How do you lose electronic data? Was told I shouldn’t have used that online form for a child disability report. Now I have to do…
>tag team school meetings
>What really pisses me off, is that at the reentry meeting yesterday for M, they tried to talk circles around my wife and got her upset. I don’t go for tag team events where one side only has one person on their team and the opposing force has 6. What ever happened to following Roberts…