>My wife is a special ed teacher in a school not far from our home. We have two boys with Autism as well. Sometimes, I think about putting in for a Extreme Make Over house so that we could have a house specially built for our needs. Locks on all cupboards, video monitoring, a quiet room, more bedroom space, and a sanctuary for my wife. Sensors to track movement, and that kind of thing.
Last night was the first time in more than two years I didn’t have to worry about what he was getting into. I didn’t sleep very well. 🙂 Sadly, most people, including the doctor, think that we are exaggerating his behavior. I wish. If anything, we leave a lot of stuff out. He has has a good day and night. The psych staff said that he slept 7.5 hours. He was eating breakfast when I called up there. Will go see him at noon for an hour then time to head home and trade roles with my wife. She will be in the city with our daughter K, and spend the weekend. Monday I have cardiologist. Then back to the city. Looking at a lot of windshield time this month.
I talked with the kids last night about M. They are accepting of the fact that he is in the hospital.
I wonder if this is all for nothing. Will he get the help he needs? or are we grasping at straws?
>When I think about Extreme Make Over, I think of all of the families who need that help way more than we do. ah well, today is a good day.
>When I think about Extreme Make Over, I think of all of the families who need that help way more than we do. ah well, today is a good day.
>M had some issues with stealing this morning so had consequences from the hospital staff. He was restricted to his room. The staff told me that he was able to disappear from his room a couple of times, and they would find him wandering around.
Tonight my wife and daughter went to visit. M took them to his room, where the room was actually padded, and the mattress was on the floor. This wasn't the same room he was in earlier. So I called the nurse desk in psych. He was moved to a different room where they could keep a better eye on him. Evidently the video cameras weren't enough.
I did request that the school fax up their behavior reports, and his updated IEP, which we just put together on Wednesday. Hopefully that will give the hospital staff more of an idea of what we are dealing with.
Things are really calm at home. It seems strange to not wonder what M is doing or getting into.
have a good night.