David is being really good today. Following me like my shadow. I appreciate that he is trying. As I survey my garage, I am discovering just what all has been lost because of David’s actions. Weedeater. Networking tools for installing data networks. Gasoline Screws by the box. It isn’t much, and I am sure that…
he got caught stealing vehicle keys
Got caught in a lie. He took keys to one of our vehicles to school with him. Was notified by the school that he had them. I asked him for them, and he claimed that he didn’t have them. So I told him he needed to give them to me. He then went to the…
So Far, So Good, Now …
It is too early to tell if all of my worry from the last two weeks was for not. However, so far so good. It is an adjustment for sure, but no less an adjustment for him as the rest of the family. I am used to having the house to myself all day long,…