Our school is developing a bullying policy. I have been invited as have all parents in the community to participate in this process. I applaud the school for hosting these meetings, and doing so at times that are convenient to most parents. That said, it would be nice if more parents would be involved in…
Category: school
So much has happened, yesterday, tomorrow… IEP, Respite and more
So much has happened since my last post. Received a call regarding respite care for our youngest son David. Every weekend, he gets to spend Saturday and Sunday with a host family. this will give him a break from us, and us a break from him. Received a call from the facilitator for our facilitated…
and now the day is done
And now the day is done. As a recap, my youngest daughter was assaulted in our small town school this morning. She lost consciousness briefly and ended up losing memory of the event and about 10 minutes before and after the event. She remembers sitting on the floor in the hallway and then remembers being…