the deputy sheriff stopped by yesterday and told us he had completed his investigation. Seems a couple of boys were roughhousing in the hall way, and one pushed his buddy, his buddy hit our daughter and then she hit the locker. The deputy says he believes that the boys are sincere in their admission that…
Category: incident report.
>End of a Good Week
>M had a good week over all. I told the speech therapist not to engage M in any power struggles. Talked with Protection and Advocacy (P and A) on Friday. Signed a bunch of releases so that they can look at his school, psych, and probation records. Faxed copies of the Sheriff report to their…
>Spent the day with M, just him and me in the city. New psychiatrist said we should charge the school for putting their hands on M. According to their statements, they lifted him before he had his episode and attacked the teacher last week. That is a no-no. She felt it was odd that the…