So today, one of the kids told me about this profile on Twitter referencing the athletic district that we live in. Now I could see such a profile existing if it was just referencing the various athletic events in our area. Sadly this profile is so much more. Trashing people in 140 characters or less…
Category: Mental Health – Child
Mental health articles relating to a condition your child might have can be found here.
David on my mind
Thinking about David early this Christmas morning. Praying that he has a good day, and that he knows, how much we love him and only want what is best for him. Merry Christmas son. We love you very much.
Annual Christmas Letter and Appeal
Greetings friends and readers. It is with all the joy in my heart that I wish each of you a joyful holiday. One filled with acceptance of the differences we see in others. One where our children know how much love we feel in our hearts for them. It is tradition in our home to…