David has been incredible today. no issues, no tantrums. nothing. I won’t hold my breath that it will last, but it has been so nice. 🙂 Kudos David. I am proud of you.
Category: adhd
I am not a hero. seriously. I can you tell who is though.
I had someone tell me it takes a special person to parent a child like David. It takes a special person to be a parent. Period. Any man can be a father, donate DNA, that kind of thing. But to be a parent, a “dad” takes something more. To be the dad of a special…
Pulbic to news media or not?
I have been advised to take our story regarding David public. To CNN and FoxNews. In regards to how No Child Left Behind and the Garrison School District have conspired against educating our son in the home district under the guise of “we are unable to provide the services that his needs require…” How is…