Symptoms. Behaviors. What is the difference when you are speaking about a child? Since, I like to be clear what I am talking about, let’s go to the dictionary site to see what they say about the word symptom. Definition of symptom 1 a : subjective evidence of disease or physical disturbance; broadly :…
Category: adhd
Taking a Chance on Faith
With a lot of prayer, we are going to try a visit away from the safety and comfort that being in close proximity to the facility provides us. This is about taking a chance. We are going to take a chance on faith that he is stable. This weekend, we are going to travel to…
Mr School Van Driver
Good morning my friends. Hope this note finds you well. Yesterday was an excellent day. This morning, David was in full on mode. Jumping from topic to topic so quickly that we couldn’t keep up. In the course of 30 minutes, I bet he talked about 50 different things. When he is like this there…