David came into our lives before we even considered adoption. In fact, we originally were going to do foster care for kids like David. This was long before we knew about the mental health issues that he has been diagnosed with. He was special needs because of the way he was born, addicted to drugs. …
Category: adoption
Every Parent of a Mentally Ill Child Has This Fear
I don’t know how it is in most families, I just know in mine, this is our fear. That David will stop responding to his meds, and then be seen as a threat by law enforcement. Once he turns 18, we will have little ability to ensure that he takes his medications, unless we get…
Reactive Attachment Disorder
I found this video through a group I belong to on facebook. It explains so much about children like our son David. Not every adopted child will be afflicted with this disorder, though quite a few are. I did not create the video. I don’t claim ownership of the video. I am merely sharing content…