It is always an adjustment to life when the structure of the home environment changes. It has been a couple of weeks since he has been home, and I still find myself getting up at all hours to check on him. Unable to sleep at night, I find that even when I force myself to…
Month: October 2015
Do you want it?
David, Seems strange to write this letter to someone named David. But you will know that this is for you if you are reading this. I just wanted to let you know that I believe in you. Like I believe that each of your brothers and sisters have it in them to do good works,…
Exploitation of my son?
Today I had a visit from a detective in our county. Seems that some one at the hospital has taken issue with my blog. I am being accused of exploitation because I write about my son’s mental illnesses, the people who provide care, and both the successes and failures of the mental health care system…