your child is manic and goes running down the street into traffic yelling, just kill me? We had the start of an episode tonight. I ignored it. I walked away. I turned the other cheek. Every time I refused to acknowledge the behavior, the behavior escalated. David started spraying something that we later learned was…
Month: March 2015
Thoughts – control – arguments and what not
I have been torn. Since David has come home, we have had quite a few good days. The bad days, holy. It is trying on the whole family when they happen. So I am going to take a page from another parent of a child a lot like David. No confrontations. If he is spoiling…
he got caught stealing vehicle keys
Got caught in a lie. He took keys to one of our vehicles to school with him. Was notified by the school that he had them. I asked him for them, and he claimed that he didn’t have them. So I told him he needed to give them to me. He then went to the…