Woman tells police she tossed child off bridge – CNN.com. Stories like this, just break my heart. So many people would love this child as their own, and here the mom throws him away like so much rubbish. R.I.P. Little Man. You deserved so much more from this life. Cherish your loved ones….
Month: November 2014
Our journey with a mentally ill son | Losing Miles
Our journey with a mentally ill son | Losing Miles. =========================== I read other blogs about kids like David whenever I can. This blog is worth reading. Follow the link above. So much like our son. Sadly, David is not unique in his struggles with Reactive Attachment Disorder and the other things he has going…
Feeling helpless with Mental Illness.
There are days when I feel utterly helpless when it comes to David. He is 500 miles from home. Last week we celebrated David attaining a new level in his care plan. He has been doing very well. Then came the self-doubt. The “I am not good enough” thoughts. And the treatment sabotage began….