>What value do you place on the family unit? When it comes to a child with mental disability, after you have done everything humanly possible to work with the child, is it giving up to let someone else take on the challenges of raising him or her to adulthood? We are faced with the dilemma…
Month: May 2011
>Asking for help
>Can’t force someone to ask for help. Can’t force them to accept help. Today one of our other kids asked for help. I actually said thank you. So we can start getting the other kids to therapy for help with dealing with the things that surround David.
>Brain Damage and control
>A lot has happened since my last post. We received a tentative diagnosis of “brain injury” for our son. He started a partial hospitalization program last week, and today has been a long day. today is the first time I have heard someone use the term “brain damage” and his name in the same sentence. M…