Potato wedges are not cat toys. The cat doesn’t like it when you chase her from room to room. The cat will scratch you, it is her way of defending herself. Other than that, I think that he is going to be a lawyer. He likes to argue and/or debate everything. How much catnip is…
Category: kids
Our School District made the news!!! Updated
Update February 12, 2012 An update. In chatting with news people, it was explained to me how the story is reported. Since the report from the Sheriff Department reported it as an accident, the news people felt that there really wasn’t a lot else to report. I can see where they would say that. And…
and now the day is done
And now the day is done. As a recap, my youngest daughter was assaulted in our small town school this morning. She lost consciousness briefly and ended up losing memory of the event and about 10 minutes before and after the event. She remembers sitting on the floor in the hallway and then remembers being…